The Pulaski Tunnel Trail guides visitors through the route taken by former U.S. Forest Service firefighter Edward Pulaski to lead his crew to safety in an abandoned mining tunnel after they were caught in the historic wildfires of 1910.  Ed’s heroic actions were honored by the Forest Service with the installation of an interpretive site and trail system documenting the crew’s escape.

On behalf of the Idaho Panhandle National Forest, DJ&A completed the design-build project to develop the site, including the construction of two miles of trail, a trailhead parking area and several pedestrian bridges.

Tasks performed by DJ&A included route location and surveying, preparation of the right-of-way plat for the two miles of trail and parking area, locating and designing 5 pedestrian bridges varying in length from 12 feet to 70 feet.  Layout and design of a trailhead parking area included concrete retaining wall design, pavement design, incorporating a toilet facility, and signing for pedestrian safety.  In addition, the initial 1,000 feet of trail was designed to meet ADA accessibility requirements and included designing a paved trail section, and a landscape block retaining wall.

During the design phase, DJ&A met with representatives from the Forest Service and a local group from the Silver Valley to determine design objectives and salient features to be incorporated into the trail design. In conjunction with the design phase of the project, DJ&A also prepared supplemental project specifications, project contract documents and cost estimates.

DJ&A was also the general contractor for the project responsible for all phases of construction. DJ&A secured competitive bids from subcontractors, selected subcontractors, and was responsible for quality control and construction observation during the project.  In addition, DJ&A prepared a monthly status report documenting construction progress to enable project stake holders to monitor the project.

This project was recognized in the Carl Anderson Conservation Project Engineering Awards.

Key Services

  • Conducted route location and surveying
  • Prepared the right-of-way plat for the two miles of trail and parking area
  • Located and designed five pedestrian bridges varying in length from 12’ to 70’. The 70’ bridge was a pre-fabricated steel/timber bridge
  • Designed concrete retaining wall design, pavement design, signing for pedestrian safety, and 1000 feet of trail design to meet ADA accessibility requirements and included the design of paved trail section, and a landscape block retaining wall

Value Added

Unique and specialized construction techniques were applied on the project due to the restricted access and sensitive area. Automated wheelbarrows, small hand rollers, hand mixed concrete, skid steers and hand placed asphalt were required for construction of the project as standard construction equipment would not work in the narrow confines of the trail.