A few years ago, debris flow damaged a culvert and sections of the North Fork of Lone Ranch Road, located at an elevation of approximately 4320ft. near Danville, Washington. The debris buried a culvert inlet under 5-10 feet of material, overtopped the road prism, and removed about 10 feet of fill slope and road surface.

DJ&A provided professional engineering and design services to upgrade the damaged road and drainage system while preserving the overall character of the road. Design included slope stabilization for two areas, road prism design with appropriate cure widening, and culvert design.

Key Services

  • Completed site investigation of existing conditions
  • Reported geotechnical site assessment and road stabilization
  • Conducted topographic site survey and mapping
  • Designed road prism and culverts
  • Provided slope stabilization
  • Delivered full construction bid package

Value Added

The project demonstrates DJ&A’s specialized experience for performing low volume raod design in remote locations.