DJ&A provided surveying and engineering services for the rehabilitation of a 120-foot steel bridge in Idaho. DJ&A completed an inspection of the existing steel truss, timber approach spans and concrete substructure then performed a load rating of all of the spans to determine the value in rehabilitating the structure.

Although not typically a viable option for single lane county bridges, DJ&A’s investigation found that bridge rehabilitation would be the most a cost efficient and effective means of extending the serviceability of this bridge.

DJ&A prepared preliminary cost estimates and developed rehabilitation plans and specifications for the structure.  Repair work included replacing the timber deck and rail elements, and repairing the concrete piers and abutments.

Key Services

  • Conducted bridge inspection bridge load ratings
  • Design preliminary alternatives
  • Finalized structural design, bridge plans, cost estimate and project specifications
  • Reviewed of construction shop drawings
  • Scanned the pre-construction structure for historic preservation documentation

Value Added

In addition to providing a three-dimensional image of the existing bridge for historic preservation, DJ&A’s use of a high definition laser scanner on this project proved to be an effective tool in gathering information on the existing structure without making extra trips to the field.