DJ&A provided project management and professional design services for approximately 46 repair sites along 16 miles of damaged road located within the Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument. DJ&A prepared a complete bid package necessary for the Forest Service to place a competitive contract out for site repairs, including: deep roadway patches, roadway realignment, culvert replacement and installation, ditch line construction, and repair and installation of retaining structures including walls and guardrails.
To maximize the use of available funds, the final bid package contained base and option schedules to allow the Forest Service flexibility in awarding work to the selected contractor.
Key Services
- Conducted topographic surveying and mapping
- Provided road design
- Performed hydraulic, geotechnical, and structural engineering
Value Added
Due to the large number of sites needing repair on this stretch of road, DJ&A grouped sites with similar design needs and applied a single design prescription to reduce engineering and design fees. The design prescription was reviewed and confirmed by a geotechnical engineer having performed field observations at each of the sites. Approximately 16 of the sites were packaged into one bid package with optional bid items, with the remaining sites shelved until additional funds are available to construct the repairs.