DJ&A prepared contract documents for the 3R reconstruction of an 11.2-mile section of Forest Road 16, a rural low-volume roadway that provides access to hiking, camping, and other outdoor recreation opportunities within the Malheur National Forest.
DJ&A was first tasked with the completion of a scoping report for this project. The budget did not allow for a full site-survey, so DJ&A developed a GPS-enabled data collection system to record critical project information during scoping visits. An ESRI ArcPad with a Trimble GNSS GPS receiver was used, which was automatically referenced to actual locations, to efficiently collect location data and record important observations for signs, culverts, approach roads, pavement failures, road widths, roadway striping, turnout areas, roadway quantities, utility locations, fence lines, and other features. This data collection methodology facilitated preliminary cost estimating and preparation of schematics for conceptual design.
DJ&A prepared the preliminary design, followed by preparation of a wetland delineation report, final design and preparation of the contract documents. Roadway improvements include 3R rehabilitation of the existing roadway, culvert replacement to improve drainage, and road edge stabilization.
Key Services
- Coordination of project scoping meeting with WFLHD, USFS, and the City of Seneca
- Field reconnaissance
- Preparation of a project scoping report
- Preparation of wetland delineation report and supported efforts for obtaining environmental clearance permits
- Development of the preliminary and final design PS&E package
- Culvert assessment and design of 2 new culverts
- Development of shoulder reconstruction design
- Development of pavement rehabilitation alternatives and justification for selected method
- Designed in accordance with USFS standards