DJ&A was tasked completing the restoration of approximately 500 linear feet of Emerson Creek and the road decommissioning of approximately one mile of low volume road near Tiller, Oregon on the Umpqua National Forest.
A priority of this project was to remove an existing culvert and restore Emerson Creek, which is a tributary to the South Fork of the Umpqua River. The second phase of the project included hydrologic and geomorphic investigation and analysis and the creation of conceptual road decommissioning and stream design. The design included road removal, stream reconstruction, and pedestrian path realignment.
DJ&A delivered a full bid package for the Forest Service to place the construction of the repairs out for bid. The bid package was organized into base and option schedules to maximize use of available construction funds.
Key Services
- Conducted topographic site survey
- Developed longitudinal steam profile
- Performed HEC-RAS modeling and hydraulic analysis
- Designed aquatic organism passage
Value Added
To complete this project, the DJ&A team was able to identify reference reaches adjacent to the project area that helped sculpt the plan, pattern, and profile of the restoration reach. The reference reach also provided guidance for pool spacing, step height, key piece sizing, and large woody debris placement.