In 2016, DJ&A was awarded a highly-competitive contract with the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to provide survey and mapping services in support of constructing, operating and maintaining their extensive transmission line system and communications network, substation facilities, line/facility access roads, maintenance facilities and environmental projects throughout the BPA service area. BPA’s service territory includes Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington, Montana, California, Nevada, and Utah.

Key Services

  • Conducted topographic surveys/mapping
  • Communication Facility Surveys
  • Performed construction staking and boundary surveys
  • Performed transmission line surveys (retracement and construction staking), orthophoto control surveys, encroachment surveys, and substation baseline surveys
  • Prepare plan and profile map designs
  • Recorded survey preparation
  • Facilitated land acquisition request document preparation

Value Added

DJ&A’s strategic office locations in Missoula and Vancouver allow survey crews to mobilize quickly and efficiently across BPA’s 8-state service territory.