DJ&A partnered with the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) to enhance a heavily traveled route that serves area residents as well as local families dropping off children at Libby Elementary School. The primary purpose of this project was to provide a safe route for pedestrians, more specifically children walking or biking to and from school, along Balsam Street.

DJ&A completed the survey and mapping for the project area after receiving a conceptual design from the City. Right-of-way limits were identified, and DJ&A provided analysis of potential impacts. DJ&A then completed the preliminary and final design, prepared the construction plans and technical specifications, and completed all of the necessary steps to ensure environmental compliance and proper NEPA documentation. Throughout the entire project, DJ&A communicated with MDT and the City of Libby to ensure that the final design was comprehensive and met the needs of the City.

Key Services

  • Analyzed and designed approximately 2,000 lineal feet of ADA-compliant sidewalk with curb ramps, gutter, and a retaining wall
  • Analyzed environmental documentation to achieve categorical exclusion
  • Performed underground utility location
  • Delivered full PS&E package using MDT Standard Specifications

Value Added

DJ&A provided preliminary reference points during the survey portion of the project which assisted during the plan in hand review to check the alignment and grade of the proposed improvements.  DJ&A also coordinated with the Libby County Environmental Health Agency to identify what locations within the project limits may encounter asbestos and the appropriate mitigation methods that would be required if encountered.